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M-am băgat mai demult într-un print exchange. Astăzi am primit primul print, de la Adam Costello. Tot astăzi Adam a încuviinţat să-i scanez şi să postez poza pe blog.

Lake Harriet Bandshell, Minneapolis. ©2010 Adam Costello

Alături de frumosul print am primit şi o hîrtiuţă pe post de colofon:

Adam Costello – Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. – Vandyke Brown print – alt print exchange – beginner – January, 2010

Location – Lake Harriet Bandshell, Minneapolis.
Camera – Speed Graphic Pacemaker, Ilford Delta 100, settings unrecorded (probably f/5.6), slight front tilt.

Paper – Lana Aquarelle. Precoated with 10% oxalic acid, sensitized with a foam brush using Bostick & Sullivan VDB kit. 1.5ml sensitizer + 1 drop Tween 20.
Exposure – 4.5 min under 6 BLB flourescent bulbs.

Developed in 6 trays of water with a pinch of citric acid (1 min/tray).
Fixed in 20% hypo for 2 minutes.
Washed for 1 hour.