de Cezar Popescu | apr. 5, 2020 | ACAA, Blog, Films, Kodak, manufacturers, photo
Pictures Everywhere — one of a series of Kodak Lectures consists of two parts: a 35mm roll of 50+ bw slides and a 16pp accompanying booklet. They’ve been bought with the help of my patreon friends. The high-res scans (made with a Sony A7mk3 + Sigma 70mm 2.8...
de Cezar Popescu | nov. 8, 2014 | Afga, Agfa Hunt, Blog, calibration target, cărți, manufacturers, photo
Grație lui Andrei, am mai primit cîteva mire de calibrare, e drept că mai vechiuțe și, destul de probabil, inutilizabile. Asta presupunînd că mai găsesc pe net fișierele originale — nu le-am căutat încă. Fuji 34321 AF ABCD (20.3 × 25.4) Kodak Professional Color...
de Cezar Popescu | oct. 26, 2014 | Acid fixers, BW Formula, Compensating developer, Developers, Fixers, formula, Imperial Dry Plate, manufacturers, Two-bath developers
Developers for plates “Pyro-Soda.” Stock Solution. Metabisulphite of Potass. 50 grs. 10 grms. Pyrogallic Acid 1 oz. 83 grms. Bromide of Potassium 60 grs. 13 grms. Water (boiled or distilled) to 12 oz. 1.000 c.c. No. 1. Stock Solution 3 oz. 150 c.c. Water (boiled or...
de Cezar Popescu | aug. 12, 2014 | Agfa Gevaert, Films, manufacturers, photo
A reversal, panchromatic film for photography in daylight and artificial light. It produces brilliant transparencies in black-and-white which are particularly suited for projection to very large dimensions. Dia Copex R is capable of recording subjects of high...
de Cezar Popescu | aug. 12, 2014 | Agfa Gevaert, Films, manufacturers
A moderate speed, fine grain, panchromatic film offering wide latitude in exposure and development. Available in the U.S. in 120 rolls in bulk quantity only. ISS stands for Isopan Super...