de Cezar Popescu | oct. 10, 2011 | Intensifiers, Miscellaneous
Intensifier for very weak negatives, free of fog or veil. IngredientQuantity Solution A Uranium nitrate10 grams Water to make 1 liter Solution B Potassium ferricyanide10grams Water to make1liter Pour 1 part Solution B into 3 parts Solution A, whilst stirring A...
de Cezar Popescu | oct. 10, 2011 | Intensifiers
Intensifier for use with under-exposed negatives, or in cases of under-development even of over-exposed negatives. IngredientQuantity Mercuric chloride20 grams Hydrochloric acid3mililiters Potassium bromide20grams Water to make1liter Mix chemicals in order. Dissolve...
de Cezar Popescu | oct. 4, 2011 | Intensifiers
Chromium intensifier for approximately proportional intensification of thin negatives whether arising from slight under-exposure or under-development. IngredientQuantity Potassium bichromate90 grams Hydrochloric acid64mililiters Water to make1liter Mix chemicals in...
de Cezar Popescu | oct. 4, 2011 | Intensifiers
See IN1, it’s the same formula.
de Cezar Popescu | sept. 4, 2011 | Intensifiers
Mercury intensifier for film and plates giving increased maximum density with little intensification of intermediate tones. Also known as Monckhoven’s intensifier. The mercury intensifier is recommended where extreme intensification is desired but where...