„The Imagon is not a lens for beginners; it is also no lens for people whose guiding principles are speed and convenience… Anyone who thinks he can simply go into a store, buy an Imagon and start taking good pictures is sadly mistaken. An Imagon is an instrument possessing fine technical qualities and unless one is willing to study it patiently and quietly he had better stick to the next best anastigmat.“
Prof. Berthold Kihn (1936)
A history of the Imagon lens, by Dr. Alfons Schultz
Imagon Halo controlled Soft Lens
„The Imagon lenses do not produce the blurred images known from incorrect focusing or poor quality lenses. It rather overlays a clearly defined image core with delicate diffusion , controlled by adjustable push-on perforated diaphragms. By spreading highlight outlines into the shadows, the Imagon softens the hard definition, yielding portrait or landscape effects that range from a slightly flattering rendering to dreamy, romantic moods. Optical design: 2 elements in one group.“
1998 B&H Catalog
David Brooks’ „How To Make Your Own Soft-Focus Lens Like The One I’ve Used For 40 Years“.