Developers for plates
Metabisulphite of Potass. | 50 grs. | 10 grms. |
Pyrogallic Acid | 1 oz. | 83 grms. |
Bromide of Potassium | 60 grs. | 13 grms. |
Water (boiled or distilled) to | 12 oz. | 1.000 c.c. |
Stock Solution | 3 oz. | 150 c.c. |
Water (boiled or distilled) to | 20 oz. | 1.000 c.c. |
Soda Sulphite (Cryst.) | 2 oz. | 100 c.c. |
Soda Carbonate | 2 oz. | 100 c.c. |
Water (boiled or distilled) to | 20 oz. | 1.000 c.c. |
For use take equal quantities of No. 1 and 2. For under-exposure use more of No. 2. For over-exposure more of No. 1.
Metol, Monomet or Scalol | 45 grs. | 5 grms. |
Metabilsulphite of Potass. | 120 grs. | 14 grms. |
Pyrogallic Acid | 55 grs. | 6 grms. |
Water (boiled or distilled) to | 20 oz. | 1.000 c.c. |
Soda Carbonate (Cryst.) | 4 oz. | 200 grms. |
Water (boiled or distilled) to | 20 oz. | 1.000 c.c. |
For use take equal quentities of No. 1 and 2.
The “Pyro-Soda” developer should be used for correct and full exposures; the “Standard” developer is specially suitable for snapshots generally and under-exposures.
Dissolve the chemicals in the order given. Both developers keep indefinitely.
The English and French measures are not equivalents, but the proportions are the same.
Acid Fixing Solution.
Hypo | 1 lb. |
Potass. Metabisulphite | 2 oz. |
Water | 50 oz. |
Note.—A plain fixing solution may be used if preferred; in that case leave out the Metabisulphite.
The Imperial Dry Plate Co., Ltd., Cricklewood, London, N.W. 2
Spec Rapid 16121B
Examined by HC