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Așteptam o carte și m-am trezit cu un print. Venit de peste mări și țări, tocmai din Australia. Un an a făcut pe drum…

Star trails. 5th of October, 2010


Thank you for your print trade offer — I didn’t realise that the official alternative process print exchange didn’t allow digital negatives. I have absolutely no problem with digital negs. I look forward to seeing your work.

Please find enclosed my own print for our exchange, a polymer photogravure of star trails. The photograph itself was taken with a 1 hour exposure of the night sky with my Pacemaker Speed Graphic. The lens was a generic 150/4.5 in an Ilex shutter, focused at infinity. It was shot at f/4.5 on Ilford Delta 100 film, developed in ID-11. This is a proof print from my final edition of 4 prints. The finished pieces is two 4×5″ sized plates printed next to eachother on the one page. This is my favorite of the two plates.

The process is — as I mentioned — the polymer variety of photogravure. The 4×5″ negative was contact printed onto Arista Ortho-Litho film from Freestylephoto to make a positive, and this positive was exposed in contact with the polymer plate. The plate is then developed to an intaglio etching and inked and printed on an etching press. The finished piece is etching ink on cotton rag paper, an thus has a proven lifetime of hundreds of years. My favorite part of the process is the printmark — the indentation that the etching press leaves in the sheet of paper.

I hope you enjoy my Photograph and I look forward to seeing your work.

Warm regards,

Alex Bishop Thorpe (Fleath)