de Cezar Popescu | ian. 20, 2011 | photo
Poza nu este decît un pretext, n-ai de ce să te aricești: film color (c41) developat în ciorbă de alb negru. Filmul a ieșit destul de maroniu însă l-am rezolvat în PS. Revelatorul a fost foarte fiebinte, cam 50-60°C, de aia nu am lăsat baia a doua (activatorul cum ar...
de Cezar Popescu | nov. 30, 2010 | photo
De data asta din „The Film Developing Cookbook“, p.83 (ISBN 0240802772): Two bath developers give excellent results with almost all films at a fixed time and temperature. It is almost imposible to overdevelop with two bath, and it takes an effort to underdevelop [no,...
de Cezar Popescu | oct. 31, 2010 | Uncategorized
ISBN 0240509579, p.376: The aim of two-bath development is to limit the density range of the negative. It is an extreme form of compensating development and is carried out by first immersing the film in a solution containing the developing agent, preservative and...